Congraulation to Angeline Flor Pua( Filipina) for winning Miss Belgium 2018ANGELINE FLOR PUA, 22 years old, is MISS BELGIUM 2018. Angel is pure Filipina and was crowned as the winner in the 50th edition of Miss...
The Most Outrageous Clothes That Went Viral in 2017The Most Outrageous Clothes That Went Viral in 2017 Fashion trends may come and go but there are certainly some that we’ll never forget....
School Play DressLooking for a dress in a school play. At Mazaya,we will costumize and design custome you required for any school event. Vist us Khalidiya...
10 Prom Dresses Inspired By Disney PrincessesFor almost every girl, nothing is more exciting than prom season! Prom is the perfect opportunity to channel your favorite Disney...