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The Most Outrageous Clothes That Went Viral in 2017

The Most Outrageous Clothes That Went Viral in 2017

Fashion trends may come and go but there are certainly some that we’ll never forget. Like ever. 2017, had its fair share of extremely outrageous trends that had us scratching our heads for answers. Guess what though? Some people loved them and of course, that’s why we’re still talking about it (and will be for years to come). From thong jeans that no one could seem to figure out why they happened to a free red bathing suit that became a nightmare Instagram sensation, scroll ahead see some of the ones that stood out from the year. BAY WATCH BATHING SUITS So while this classic red bikini isn't necessarily outrageous, what happened to it definitely was. Sunny Co Clothing released an Instagram contest in which they promised a free suit to anyone who reposted it. Unfortunately for the company, the post went viral and thousands of people were expecting free bathing suits in their mailboxes. Apparently, people did start to receive them following the media hype. TA TA TOWELS One of the most viral (and most brilliant if you ask me) trends that happened this year was the Ta Ta Towels. Literally, a towel for your boobs. Now, because of the internet, boob sweat has met it's match. BALENCIAGA'S IKEA BAG When high-end luxury brand Balenciaga released this blue tote bag people almost immediately pointed out the similarities between it and the Ikea shopping bag. Of course, this very thing helped make it one of the most talked about bags of the year. Imitation is the best form of flattery, right?


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