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11 Photos Of Barong Tagalog Outfits That'll Give You Style Envy

11 Photos Of Barong Tagalog Outfits That'll Give You Style Envy Filipino fashion at its finest.

1. So the Barong Tagalog is the official national costume of the Philippines. 2. You'll often see people wearing it at weddings or other formal events. 3. It adds loads of class and attitude to any man's outfit. 4. In fact, it nearly stole the spotlight during the Mayweather-Pacquiao fight. 5. It's been around since the 1500s and modern Filipinos have found ways to give it new life. 6. And women have also gotten in on the fun with more tailored and feminine silhouettes. 7. YAAAAAS, GIRLS. ANG TARAY!! 8. It's a great blank canvas, only limited by your stylistic imagination. 9. It comes in a wide array of colors. 10. And a wide array of sizes. 11. No pattern is too bold. 12. No bedazzling too daring. From Buzzfeed

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