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New Years Eve Lucky Colors 2019

Colors are not only are a huge part of fashion trends, but wearing certain colors has proven to enhance people’s moods. Some even believe the right colors can bring about luck. Those that believe this, often feel colors can attract good fortune, or repel it. This is why you must choose the colors around you very carefully this coming New Year. If you are wanting to bring about some luck in your life (and who doesn’t!), choose some of these lucky colors when putting together your wardrobe for New Years Eve & then incorporate these colors into your home and office decor as well.

First we discuss New Years lucky colors as they pertain to New Years Eve in the U.S., then we also cover colors in reference to the Chinese New Year, which beings on February 4, 2019 & is known as the year of Earth Pig.

New Years Superstitions Lucky Colors

Blue. Those looking for a sense of peace should display blue candles in their home. Blue is generally a happy color, no matter what shade you choose. In some countries in Europe they believe that this color can protect babies from getting a fever. If you are looking for wisdom, tranquility or just are optimistic about the future, wear shades of the color blue.

Burgundy. This color symbolizes great success and prosperity. Wearing this coloring can help bring you luck and increase your wealth.

Fuchsia. For those that are looking for a little bit of luck when it comes to emotional stability, this is a great choice. Those who wear it often have luck connecting with themselves, as well as others.

Green. In the theater, it is said that the color green should be avoided. However, this has to do with the lime lights that were once used. Today it can bring about luck when it comes to areas of healing, health and growth.

Orange. This color denotes feelings of liveliness, motivation and happiness and can help the wearer with wisdom. That’s why it makes a great color to wear in 2019.

Pink. Is your love life in need of a little bit of luck this coming year? Wear pink. Supposedly it can encourage intimacy, affection and love.

Purple. This is one royal color, literally. Since early on purple has been the color of choice among royalty. Wearing it can bring about luck in areas of wisdom, passion and creativity. It’s also a great choice for those that are looking for professional success.

Red. This color is also an excellent choice for those looking for love & passion. It can also bring about luck in areas of associated with work and those who are looking for positions of power. Red is also associated with security & stability.

White. In some countries, such as Brazil, they believe that wearing white will bring about good luck and peace throughout the New Year. It also should be worn by those that are seeking new beginnings and opportunities.

Yellow. Wearing this vibrant color can bring about luck for those that are dealing with financial troubles. It can lift the wearer’s spirits and provide them with a clear head and a cheerful mood.

Gold. Gold is synonymous with wealth, but don’t always think of it as financial. You can also gain a wealth of experience, a wealth of knowledge or a wealth of love and support from friends and family.

Outside of what lucky colors to wear for New Years, did you know there are psychologists that study color and how they impact your behavior from the foods you eat to your mood?

Here’s an interesting Infographic with some information on the psychology of color.

Psychology of Color Infographic

Chinese News Years Lucky Colors for the Year of the Pig

If you are looking for New Years Lucky Colors 2019 that pertain to Feng Shui and the Chinese New Year, Good Luck Colors For New Years 2019 are red, orange, pink, white and yellow/golden.

We all want to have good luck in the New Year. New Year’s Eve is a great time to invite good luck into your life by wearing the right color. With 2019 being the Year of the Pig, there are certain colors that you should wear so that you can influence your fate in a positive way according to Chinese beliefs. These are the good luck colors that you should wear to ring in the new year.


This color represents fire and reinforces the Earth. People who wear this color are often seen to be irresistible, so if you are looking for love in the new year, wearing red just might make you lucky in the love department. Consider wearing reds with orange undertones (bright) to radiate energy, passion and excitement. For elegance, go with a deep burgundy red.


The color orange is similar to the color red in its importance to wear it on New Year’s Eve to bring about good luck. It is also a Fire element that reinforces the earth. You can wear a variety of different shades of orange such as peach, tangerine or apricot.


You can bring about luck in the new year by wearing pink. Because pigs are pink in color, it is an exceptionally lucky color. Go for dark pink if you want to stand out. Keep in mind that your entire outfit does not have to be pink. You can include a pink scarf, earrings or even undergarments.


Representing metal, and metal feeds the Earth. This color can bring you luck, but only if you wear the right shade of it. Choose bright yellow or a bold shade such as a as spicy mustard.

Home Decor Lucky Colors

What colors should you decorate your home with in 2019? According to Pantone Color Institute, “use energizing hues supported by a range of dependable classics to allow for more saturated hues to shine through.”

Other Ways To Surround Yourself With Luck in 2019

You don’t just have to wear lucky colors in order to bring about some good luck in 2019. You can surround yourself with them at your office and in your home. Consider displaying fruit in a bowl that contains oranges, pomegranates and tangerines. Round shapes are also supposed to be lucky as well. You can also bring about some luck by eating 12 grapes- just try to opt for the red variety in order to bring about even more luck. Just because 2019 is the year of the pig, it doesn’t mean that you should stay away from pork. In fact, eating pork is actually pretty lucky. Not only are they pink, but pigs represent moving forward as they use their snouts to dig. Pigs can also bring about some luck when it comes to money since pork is considered to be fatty. This symbolizes your wallet fattening with money. For some added luck, serve your pork with black-eyed peas as their shape makes them lucky as well.

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